
The autograd module is a streamlined and potent apparatus for handling automatic differentiation, a critical component in


In calculus, the derivative of a function at a certain point is a measure of how the function changes at that point. It is defined as the limit of the ratio of the change in the function value (f(x)) to the change in the x value (Δx) as Δx approaches zero. This can be written as:

\[f'(x) = \lim_{{Δx \to 0}} \frac{{f(x + Δx) - f(x)}}{{Δx}}\]

This equation represents the slope of the tangent line to the function at a specific point x, which can also be interpreted as the instantaneous rate of change of the function at that point.

If you have a function y = f(x) = x^n, where n is a constant, the power rule of differentiation tells us that the derivative of f(x) with respect to x is:

\[f'(x) = n * x^{n-1}\]

In the context of the function d = a*b + c which we’re going to use below, since a is the variable and b and c are constants, the derivative of d with respect to a is just b. This can be written in LaTeX as:

\[ \frac{{dd}}{{da}} = b \]

we begin by assigning values to three variables a, b, and c. We then create a fourth variable, d, which is equal to the product of a and b, added to c. When you execute this cell, it should display the value of d.

a = 4
b = -2
c = 11
d = a*b + c

we define a function f_a(a,b,c), which helps us estimate the slope of the function at the point a. The function first calculates d1 using the given inputs, a, b, and c. Then it increments a by a small value h and recalculates the value d2. The function then prints the original d1, the new d2, and the estimated slope which is (d2 - d1) / h.

def f_a(a,b,c):
    h = 0.01
    d1 = a*b + c
    a += h
    d2 = a*b + c
    print(f'd1: {d1}')
    print(f'd2: {d2}')
    print(f'slope: {(d2 - d1) / h}')
d1: 3
d2: 2.9800000000000004
slope: -1.9999999999999574

that states that the derivative of d with respect to a, denoted as (db/da), is analytically equal to b. This is because in the expression d = a*b + c, the coefficient of a is b, so by the power rule of differentiation, the derivative is b. In this case, b equals -2.

Now if we do this with b

def f_b(a,b,c):
    h = 0.01
    d1 = a*b + c
    b += h
    d2 = a*b + c
    print(f'd1: {d1}')
    print(f'd2: {d2}')
    print(f'slope: {(d2 - d1) / h}')
d1: 3
d2: 3.04
slope: 4.0000000000000036

Here’s what happens in the function: 1. It begins by defining a small change h which is set to 0.01. 2. Then, the function calculates d1, which is the result of a*b + c with the original inputs a, b, and c. 3. It increments b by the small value h. 4. Next, the function calculates a new d2, which is the result of a*b + c after the increment to b. 5. Finally, the function prints out the original d1, the new d2, and the estimated slope calculated as (d2 - d1) / h.

When you call f_b(a,b,c), the function performs all these operations using the values of a, b, and c from the previous context.

The output will give you an approximate value of the derivative of d with respect to b (noted as dd/db in mathematical notation), assuming that the function d(a, b, c) = a*b + c is relatively smooth and continuous near the point b.

Derivatives in the context of neural nets (Autograd)

Automatic differentiation, or auto grad as it’s often referred to in the context of deep learning, is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the process of working with derivatives. It does this by automatically computing the derivatives (or gradients) of functions, thus relieving the need to manually calculate these derivatives as we have done above.

The use of auto grad is fundamental to the training process of deep learning models. Deep learning models, such as neural networks, are essentially complex mathematical functions with many parameters (weights and biases). Training these models involves adjusting these parameters to minimize a loss function, which quantifies how well the model is performing on a given task. The most common method for doing this is gradient descent, which uses the gradients of the loss function with respect to the parameters to update the parameters in a way that decreases the loss.

However, the manual calculation of these gradients, especially for complex models, is not only tedious but also prone to errors. Here’s where auto grad comes in. By using automatic differentiation, we can compute these gradients automatically and accurately, no matter how complex the model is.

In a deep learning framework, when we define our model and loss function, the framework uses auto grad to build a computational graph under the hood. This graph captures all the computations that are done in the forward pass (i.e., when we pass our inputs through the model to get the output). Then, when we need to compute the gradients during the backward pass, the framework uses this computational graph and the chain rule from calculus to compute the gradients automatically. This process is often referred to as backpropagation.

The main advantage of using auto grad in deep learning is that it allows us to focus on designing our models and defining our loss functions without worrying about the details of computing the gradients. This simplifies our code, reduces the chance of errors, and allows for greater flexibility in designing complex models. In fact, with auto grad, we can easily experiment with new types of models and loss functions, as we can rely on the framework to correctly compute the gradients no matter how complex our design is.

Let’s start building a mini autograd engine

In the context of deep learning and automatic differentiation, the Value class is designed to encapsulate a scalar value and its relationships within a computational graph. This abstraction is essential for constructing mathematical expressions from basic operations and for performing the forward pass, which evaluates the expression.

The Value class is initialized with data and optional parameters specifying its children (or dependencies) and the operation that produced it. Each instance of the Value class can have a gradient, which is initialized as zero and can be updated during backpropagation.

Two fundamental operations are implemented for instances of the Value class: addition (add) and multiplication (mul). These methods allow two Value instances (or a Value and a scalar) to be added or multiplied, respectively. The results of these operations are also Value instances, maintaining the relationships in the computational graph.

This ability to build out mathematical expressions using only addition and multiplication allows for the construction of a broad variety of functions. For example, given multiple inputs (a, b, c, f), we can formulate a mathematical expression that generates a single output (l). After the forward pass, the output value is calculated and can be visualized, as demonstrated in the example where the forward pass output is -8.

In summary, the Value class is a fundamental building block for creating and navigating a computational graph in the context of automatic differentiation, making it an invaluable tool in any deep learning framework.

The code provided builds upon the previously discussed Value class, which acts as a node within a computational graph in the context of automatic differentiation. It demonstrates how to define scalar values a, b, c, and f and use them to build a computational graph. The graph computes the expression L = (a * b + c) * f, represented in nodes labeled ‘e’, ‘d’, and ‘L’.

The focus of this explanation is the process of backpropagation and the computation of gradients for every node in the graph, which is crucial for training neural networks. In a neural network setting, the loss function L would typically be calculated with respect to the network’s weights. Here, these weights are abstractly represented by the scalar variables a, b, c, and f.

The fundamental idea behind backpropagation is to compute the derivative of the output value L with respect to every node in the graph. These derivatives represent the impact each node has on the final output. They are stored in the grad attribute of the Value class, which is initialized to zero, signifying that there is initially no effect on the output.

In this context, a gradient of zero means changing the value of a node has no effect on the final output, or loss function. After performing backpropagation, the grad attribute will store the actual derivative of L with respect to that node. This is essential information when training a neural network because it dictates how to adjust the weights (in this example, a, b, c, and f) to minimize the loss function L.

The function draw_dot(L) is presumably used to visualize this computational graph, including both the data and the grad of each node. This visualization aids in understanding the forward and backward passes of computation within the graph.

In conclusion, this code snippet creates a simple computational graph using the Value class, computes a mathematical expression, and prepares for backpropagation. The next steps would involve the actual calculation of the gradients, enabling the iterative optimization of weights based on their influence on the final output.

Manual gradient

base case (L grad)

def lol():
    h = 0.001
    a = Value(2.0, label='a')
    b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
    c = Value(10.0, label='c')
    e = a*b; e.label='e'
    d = e + c; d.label='d'
    f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
    L = d*f; L.label='L'
    L1 =
    a = Value(2.0, label='a')
    b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
    c = Value(10.0, label='c')
    e = a*b; e.label='e'
    d = e + c; d.label='d'
    f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
    L = d*f; L.label='L' 
    L2 = + h
    print(f'grad: {(L2 - L1) / h}')

grad: 1.000000000000334

sure enough it’s 1

L.grad = 1


Here is a generic version of lol

def lol(label):
    def foo(v, label):
        if v.label == label: += h
    h = 0.001
    a = Value(2.0, label='a')
    b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
    c = Value(10.0, label='c')
    e = a*b; e.label='e'
    d = e + c; d.label='d'
    f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
    L = d*f; L.label='L'
    L1 =
    a = Value(2.0, label='a'); foo(a, label)
    b = Value(-3.0, label='b'); foo(b, label)
    c = Value(10.0, label='c'); foo(c, label)
    e = a*b; e.label='e'; foo(e, label)
    d = e + c; d.label='d'; foo(d, label)
    f = Value(-2.0, label='f'); foo(f, label)
    L = d*f; L.label='L'; foo(L, label) 
    L2 =
    print(f'grad: {(L2 - L1) / h}')

grad: 3.9999999999995595
f.grad = 4
grad: -2.000000000000668
d.grad = -2

Let’s draw what we have up to this point

# draw_dot(L)

Sure, here’s the step by step derivation for each of the variables:

  1. With respect to a:

Given that L = (a*b + c) * f, we will apply the product rule for differentiation.

The derivative of a*b with respect to a is b, and the derivative of c with respect to a is 0. Therefore:

\[ \frac{dL}{da} = f \cdot \frac{d(a*b + c)}{da} = f \cdot (b + 0) = b \cdot f \]

  1. With respect to b:

The derivative of a*b with respect to b is a, and the derivative of c with respect to b is 0. Therefore:

\[ \frac{dL}{db} = f \cdot \frac{d(a*b + c)}{db} = f \cdot (a + 0) = a \cdot f \]

  1. With respect to c:

The derivative of a*b with respect to c is 0, and the derivative of c with respect to c is 1. Therefore:

\[ \frac{dL}{dc} = f \cdot \frac{d(a*b + c)}{dc} = f \cdot (0 + 1) = f \]

  1. With respect to f:

The derivative of (a*b + c) with respect to f is 0, and f is just f, therefore:

\[ \frac{dL}{df} = (a*b + c) \cdot \frac{df}{df} = a*b + c \]

  1. With respect to e (where e = a*b):

The derivative of e + c with respect to e is 1. Therefore:

\[ \frac{dL}{de} = f \cdot \frac{d(e + c)}{de} = f \cdot 1 = f \]

  1. With respect to d (where d = e + c):

The derivative of d with respect to d is 1. Therefore:

\[ \frac{dL}{dd} = f \cdot \frac{df}{df} = f \]

grad: -2.000000000000668
e.grad = -2 # 1 * d.grad
grad: -1.9999999999988916
c.grad = -2 # 1 * d.grad
# draw_dot(L)
grad: 6.000000000000227
a.grad = 6  # b * e.grad
grad: -3.9999999999995595
b.grad = -4 # a * e.grad
# draw_dot(L)
a = Value(2.0, label='a')
b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
c = Value(10.0, label='c')
e = a*b; e.label='e'
d = e + c; d.label='d'
f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
L = d*f; L.label='L' 

# draw_dot(L)
L.grad = 1
# draw_dot(L)
# draw_dot(L)

We expect that nothing will happen

# draw_dot(L)
# draw_dot(L)

sure enough, exactly as we did before

We can do thid process automatically using topo sort algorithms, which’s will give us the correct order on which to call _backward on

a = Value(2.0, label='a')
b = Value(-3.0, label='b')
c = Value(10.0, label='c')
e = a*b; e.label='e'
d = e + c; d.label='d'
f = Value(-2.0, label='f')
L = d*f; L.label='L' 

# draw_dot(L)
# topological order all of the children in the graph
topo = []
visited = set()
def build_topo(v):
    if v not in visited:
        for child in v.children:

[Value(data=10.0, grad=0),
 Value(data=2.0, grad=0),
 Value(data=-3.0, grad=0),
 Value(data=-6.0, grad=0),
 Value(data=4.0, grad=0),
 Value(data=-2.0, grad=0),
 Value(data=-8.0, grad=0)]
# go one variable at a time and apply the chain rule to get its gradient
L.grad = 1
for v in reversed(topo):
# draw_dot(L)

So let’s now update the Value class with this logic

# draw_dot(L)



 Value (data, children=(), op='', label='')

A class representing a scalar value and its gradient in a computational graph.

Attributes: - data (float): the scalar value associated with this node - grad (float): the gradient of the output of the computational graph w.r.t. this node’s value - label (str): a label for this node, used for debugging and visualization purposes - _op (str): a string representation of the operation that produced this node in the computational graph - _prev (set of Value objects): the set of nodes that contributed to the computation of this node - _backward (function): a function that computes the gradients of this node w.r.t. its inputs

Methods: - init(self, data, children=(), op=’‘, label=’’): Initializes a Value object with the given data, children, op, and label - repr(self): Returns a string representation of this Value object - add(self, other): Implements the addition operation between two Value objects - mul(self, other): Implements the multiplication operation between two Value objects - item(self): Returns the scalar value associated with this Value object - tanh(self): Applies the hyperbolic tangent function to this Value object and returns a new Value object



 all_devices ()

return a list of all available devices



 cpu ()

Return cpu device



 CPUDevice ()

Represents data that sits in CPU



 Device ()

Indicates the device supporting an NDArray.



 Operator ()

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.



 TensorOp ()

Op class specialized to output tensors, will be alternate subclasses for other structures



 Value ()

Represents a node within a computational graph.

This class encapsulates a single value and its relationships in the graph, making it easy to track and manage the value’s dependencies, the operation that produced it, and whether it requires a gradient for backpropagation. It’s central to the functioning of automatic differentiation within deep learning frameworks.

Attributes: op (Operator) _prev (Set[‘Value’]) cached_data (NDArray) requires_grad (bool)



 Tensor (array, device:Optional[__main__.Device]=None, dtype=None,
         requires_grad=True, **kwargs)

A Tensor represents a multidimensional array of values in a computational graph.

Attributes: - data: The actual data of the tensor. It is computed lazily. - children: Other tensors that this tensor depends on for computing its value. - requires_grad: Whether this tensor needs to compute gradients.

Methods: - compute_cached_data: Computes and returns the actual data for this tensor. - shape: Returns the shape of this tensor. - dtype: Returns the data type of this tensor.

Example: >>> t1 = Tensor([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]]) >>> print(t1.shape) (2, 2) >>> print(t1.dtype) float64

t1 = mi.Tensor([9, 9, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9, 5, 4,])
minima.Tensor([9 9 2 2 3 9 9 9 5 4])
t2 = mi.Tensor([9, 9, 2, 2, 3, 9, 9, 9, 9, 4,])
minima.Tensor([9 9 2 2 3 9 9 9 9 4])
Tensor.accuracy(t1, t2)


import nbdev; nbdev.nbdev_export()